Sunday, September 25, 2011

Research trip to Chisapani!

July 19, 2011
Research trip to Chisapani!

Today I spent seven hours on the back of a motorcycle with a huge backpack strapped to my back.  The objective was to reach the remote village of Chisapani, which should only have taken a couple of hours.  But this is monsoon season, so unpaved mountain roads basically turn into mud baths with very large rocks in the middle of them, making passage very difficult.  This is how the three of us (Menuka, Dipendra and Pooroo) found ourselves with our bikes stuck in the slippery mud while the rain poured down.  Thank goodness for everyone’s awesome sense of humor –there was much hysterical laughter while repeatedly picking up the fallen bikes out of the mud and attempting to push them up the muddy and interminable hill. 

The highlight of the day for me was passing colorful villages with the most talkative goats I have ever seen in my life.  They ranged from big hairy aggressive guys to little babies that cry for their mothers the same way human babies do.  Another special memory was passing monks at the top of the hills, meditating and enjoying the gorgeous scenery of Nepal.  This place is beautiful beyond words. 

Seven hours later, after dropping me off at the top of the mountain, Menuka and our friends left to head back to Kathmandu, despite my objections to them leaving so late.  I only found out later that they got caught in the mudslides and torrential rain that poured down that evening, falling from their bikes many times and losing many of their belongings.  I am so thankful that they are ok. They are angels for coming with me to ensure that I arrive in Chisapani safely, despite the obvious danger.  It’s the Nepali way.  

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