Sunday, September 25, 2011


July 10, 2011
I received a blessing from Amma today, at her ashram.  It came in the form of a diamond-shaped stone and fell from her mouth into my hands.  If I hadn’t seen it myself I would not have believed it.  The stone carries so much energy.  I have been told that devotees wait months or years to receive this blessing from Amma, which is considered a direct blessing from Sai Baba. 

Plans are underway for a field research trip to Chisapani, a remote village in the mountains.  On this trip I plan to conduct a large chunk of my research on prevention strategies.  I also plan to lead workshops for girls who have been rescued from trafficking.  I wish with all of my heart that I had more time in Nepal…there is a tremendous sense of joy and completion with this work.  I’ve talked a bit with my ladies at the Raksha School for Women about the research I am conducting here.  Their feedback has been incredible; they shared with me that they are grateful for my dedication to them and to stopping violence against women in their country.  Considering the fact that almost every single one of them is a survivor of violence, this means a tremendous amount to me.  We have so much fun together - I’ve taught them empowering songs and words, talked with them about domestic violence, and encouraged them to form women’s groups so that they have a support system when they need each other.  

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