Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saying goodbye to my students

August 7, 2011
Sitting in my room, surrounded by the loving and protective energy of the ladies of Raksha Nepal Women’s School through the bagfuls of bright flowers they gifted me today.  Eyes are still puffy and am still feeling the warm afterglow of the heart-felt blessing each student whispered to me as she put a red tikka on my forehead. I am so thankful for these blessings as I prepare to say goodbye to Nepal, something that is unimaginable to me right now. 

It is raining outside, my favorite time of day.  I am thinking about the time I have spent in Nepal, the incredible people I have met here, and the relationships we have cultivated together.  Each group of girls I have spent time with…has impacted me deeply, profoundly.  I feel a transformation happening through the interviews with girls the past few days.  There is definitely a shift there, and a strength in the sharing of stories and in the healing that comes from that process.

The girls have made me promise to return, and I intend to fulfill my promise.  

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