Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bye Bye....

August 25, 2011
I’m leaving on a big jet plane…leaving the country that has embraced me.  Leaving the incredible friends that have become family.  I do not know how to express my gratitude for the experiences of the past 3 months…for the unconditional kindness that was shown to me…the laughs we shared, the love of the children which opened my heart.  This morning the children came and hugged me one by one, wishing me a “safe journey.” I could not stop crying once I looked in their eyes.  They have become like my own.  I have no doubt that I will return soon. 

I think about Usha praying and thanking god with her palms pressed together right before eating her simple meal.  Her food is plain…just rice and dal.  Yet the children are SO thankful for that food, for their Raksha family and for each other.  I have never seen such gratitude, discipline and patience among children.
The night before I left, the children and I sat together in a circle. Ujjwal (the oldest boy) read me a letter on behalf of all of them.  "Sapana Didi.." (Sapana is my Nepali name, and Didi means older sister – that’s what they call me), he said “Sapana didi, we love you. You are our family. We will miss you….come back to us soon…”  He said if it wasn’t for me, half of the children would not be in school…I don’t know if that is entirely true, but if I made a single difference in their lives it would be a fraction of the difference they have made in mine.  I am deeply appreciative, happy from the inside, and so carefree.  I laugh more, and believe so much in myself and in the power of love to transform any situation.

I decided to create a memory book for the children and girls, using the thousands of photos I took of them while I was there.  I gave it to them on our last night together, and it was a hit!  Over the course of the three months I also took a profile picture of each child. Those I printed out in larger sizes and gave to them as a gift.  They’ve never really had something of their own before...this is something they will never have to share with anyone. 

September 25, 2011

I hope that in the course of reading this blog, my dear friends and family, you will feel inspired to reach out and support Raksha Nepal.  The organization is small, underfunded and struggling.  I just found out that the children have been turned away from school until all school fees are paid in full.  They have worked so hard on their exams, and yet cannot attend school because Raksha does not have the money to pay.  

Raksha Nepal exists on day-to-day donations, for the most part.  Please visit their website and learn more about the work they have done.  If you feel compelled to help, please do so. 

Thank you so much. 

With love,

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