Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monely and Zumi

July 27, 2011
Monely and Zumi left today.  I got a glimpse of just how painful it will be on that sad day when I have to say goodbye to my sweet children. I have grown so attached to them.  While we all said goodbye to Monely and Zumi there were so many tears…and they were contagious. I noticed that Bishal had his face in his little hands and was silently crying in the corner.  I took him into another room and held him, hoping that somehow a healing energy can come to him through my touch…I don’t believe in coincidences…I didn’t even know I’d be working with children but they have become the most important part of this experience.  I am realizing how difficult boys have it – society expects them to be strong while girls are taken care of.  This poor boy…I don’t know if he’s ever cried in front of others. I don’t know if he’s ever cried over the loss of his family.  I wish society would allow boys to be vulnerable too- so they wouldn’t feel the need to carry so much on their shoulders.  

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